Department of Education
Responsible, Respectful, and Ready for Life



Academic Special Events



Overview of SY 18-19 Events

Academic Challenge Bowl | National Forensic League | MATHCOUNTS | MATH OLYMPIAD

GATE academic special events include: Academic Challenge Bowl, MATHCOUNTS, Math Olympiad, and National Forensic League. Events may be added and deleted as necessary. Special events coaches typically provide approximately 120 hours of support for each event, outside the regular classroom times, such as after school, before school, during lunchtime, or weekends. Different academic special events typically begin on the first day of the scheduled practice and ends with the last scheduled competition. The Principal or designated Administrator supervises the special events coaches. The academic special events component is usually available to public and private non-public school teachers and students. In addition, there is typically an award ceremony at the end of the year to acknowledge students' participation and recognize winners at the competitive events throughout the year. 

If you or your child(ren) are interested in participating, contact your school to express your interest. All students are welcome to participate! If you have any questions please email, or call the GATE office at 671-300-5332.

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