Department of Education
Responsible, Respectful, and Ready for Life
Building Capacity in our Schools

The Guam Department of Education is committed to its mission to promote excellence in teaching and learning in the classrooms by adopting and implementing high standards and expectations for all students and employees. This philosophy is grounded in the belief that all students can learn at high levels and all employees can provide the highest quality of service. We understand that, next to the parent, the teacher is the most influential person in a child’s learning experience.

The Division of Curriculum & Instructions provides ongoing and continuous professional development activities. Aligned with Goal #5 in the State Strategic Plan, the GDOE will maximize the critical uses of limited resources and meet high standards of accountability.

Professional Development Opportunities

Currently, the various programs in the Division provide a variety of professional development opportunities aligned with the respective program's goals and objectives as follows:

  • Improving Student Learning and Achievement (ISLA): Giha' Program - Professional development opportunities are offered to teachers, administrators, and program personnel in support of its goal to build capacity in the schools and district in the areas of: 

  • College Pathway Program - offers PD opportunities to administrators and teachers that provides additional support to help high school students prepare for post-secondary education.  
    • STEM Education training
    • Robotics 
    • Advanced Placement

  • Career Pathway Program - professional development opportunities are provided to build capacity in the district in the areas of :
    • Specialized training  in Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint and Publisher

  • Gifted and Talented Education (GATE) Program - provides comprehensive professional development opportunities for GATE educators on best practices when working with high-ability students. 
  • Striving Readers Comprehensive Literacy (SRCL) Program - Professional development opportunities are provided through the SRCL program to identified participating schools and teachers to increase students' literacy skills. 
  • Personal Responsibility Education Program (PREP) - Training through the PREP program is provided to teachers in the evidence-based program, Making Proud Choices, which focuses on teen pregnancy prevention.


Additionally, other programs within the GDOE offer various professional development opportunities aligned to specific goals and objectives, as listed below: 

  • Teacher and Administrator Effectiveness: Provides training focused on instructional coaching and mentoring.
  • Student Parent Community Engagement: Annual training is provided to students, teachers, counselors, and administrators in bullying prevention, peer mediation, restorative
  • justice, and training for school resource officers
  • Enhancing Education through Technology: Provides training opportunities for the following:
    • I-Safe Training for Teachers
    • Interactive Whiteboard Support and Training
    • Teacher online courses in areas such as digital citizenship, Wikis for the Connected Classroom, 21st Century Learning, Make and Take Lesson Plans, and other technology-based training
    • Connected Educator Cohort
    • Contact: Neil Rochelle, Project Director (

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