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MobyMax is currently active for School Year 2023 and 2024 (Expires Sep 30, 2024) for the following Schools:


Adacao Elementary School

Agueda I. Johnston Middle School

Astumbo Elementary School

Astumbo Middle School

Carbullido Elementary School

Chief Brodie Memorial School

Daniel Perez Elementary School

Inarajan Elementary School

Inarajan Middle School

Jose L.G. Rios Middle School

Juan M. Guerrero Elementary School

Leon-Guerrero Middle School

Liguan Elementary

Lyndon B. Johnson Elementary School

M U Lujan Elementary School

Machananao Elementary

Oceanview Middle School

Ordot-Chalan Pago Elementary

Price Elementary School

J.Q. San Miguel Elementary School

Southern High School

C.L. Taitano Elementary School

Tamuning Elementary School

Truman Elementary School

Ulloa Elementary School

Upi Elementary School

Vicente Benavente Middle School

Wettengel Elementary School

Link: MobyMax

MobyMax is an online education program used by grades K-8. MobyMax includes 27 subjects including math, reading, phonics, language, vocabulary, spelling, writing, science, social studies, preparations for state examinations, and more. The program also provides classroom tools such as assessments and progress monitoring and offers games, badges, and contests for the students.


Register for School Year 2023-2024 Here: MobyMax Registration




  1. Resetting Teacher Password in MobyMax

Resetting your password is a quick and straightforward process that you can initiate from the MobyMax login page. Just click on the "Forgot your password?" link and enter the GDOE email associated with your account. 

Teachers can reset their MobyMax password by:

  1. Open the MobyMax sign-in page in another tab. 
  2. Select the "As A Teacher" option at the top of the page. 
  3. Click the "Forgot your password?" link.
  4. Enter the GDOE email address associated with your MobyMax account. 
  5. Click on the "Send" button. 

Note: To reset your password, you need to have an existing MobyMax teacher account with a valid email address. If your email address is associated with an account, you will receive an email that contains instructions on how to reset your password. However, it's important to note that sometimes the email may end up in your junk or spam folder, so be sure to check those as well if you don't see the email in your inbox.


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